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Grade 9 Delivers Interactive Book Talks

Baldwin’s Grade 9 students recently delivered interactive book talks during their class time, which included an interactive feature such as acting, dancing and debating each other. The project's goals were twofold but not mutually exclusive. Students had the opportunity to select their books and, hopefully, experience the joys of curling up with a gripping, surprising or satisfying book. Students also were encouraged to apply their critical analysis, leadership and debate skills independently, rather than under the tutelage of a classroom teacher. To paraphrase one student, working in groups let students have fun with peers, work through confusion or symbolism in a more hands-on style and learn how to learn together. 
The girls had a wide range of book choices, including classics like Pride and Prejudice and Breakfast at Tiffany's, suspense-filled speculative fiction like Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane or Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night, and Young Adult novels like John Greene's Turtles All the Way Down.