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Interdisciplinary Learning Continues During Baldwin Wired

Like many good classes, it began with a curious student question: How do atomic bombs actually work? History Teacher Dr. Gretchen Boger's Honors U.S. History II class was studying the end of World War II, when the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end the fighting in the Pacific. Dr. Boger responded that she had a very basic understanding of nuclear fission, but that they should ask Physics Teacher Dr. Jeff Goldader for a better explanation. Maybe, she mused, he would be willing to come to history class and explain in person. An hour later, Dr. Boger and Dr. Goldader found themselves talking about the possibility at the faculty lunch table. Dr. Goldader was enthusiastic, and they soon developed plans for a full-scale class with Dr. Goldader as guest teacher. "I was so grateful for his incredible generosity of time and spirit in offering his expertise," said Dr. Boger. "And it was great fun to collaborate."
When COVID-19 hit, it didn't put a dent in the plan. In fact, the online learning schedule allowed Dr. Goldader flexibility in presenting to more students than previously possible. He spent a good portion of his spring break researching and planning for the class. He and Dr. Boger spoke about what the history students, who were moving into study of the early Cold War, had learned about the politics and economics of the emerging atomic age and planned how to make discussion of the science dovetail with what they'd studied so far. In the process, the two teachers taught each other some of what they each knew about the topic. 
Then, on the first Friday of Baldwin Wired, Dr. Goldader and Dr. Boger joined students on Zoom for a thoroughly interdisciplinary class about the discovery of nuclear fission and fusion, how they were harnessed to make weapons and what the implications were for the postwar world. In addition to Dr. Goldader's talk, he and Dr. Boger shared with students primary sources from the period that he had discovered in his class preparation. These included a copy of the introductory lecture given to scientists who had been recruited to Los Alamos, New Mexico, to work on development of the bomb. The project was so secret, scientists arriving at the site had no idea what they were signing on for until they heard the lecture. "This was once top secret," Dr. Goldader marveled to students. "If you were found with a copy of this, you would have been executed. And now we have it in our hands! It's incredible."
Students appreciated the chance the class presented to learn history from a new angle. "I liked learning about the development of nuclear physics in the war, and I found the explanation of how atomic bombs work really interesting. The class was very engaging and it really puts into perspective the possible scale of destruction during the Cold War," said junior Ava Gessl.